3D Estimation and Reconstruction of Face Geometry
This is one of the core projects of Morishima-lab. in which Future Cast System is drastically updated and advanced to be a very affordable technology. A face geometry estimation method with light calculation cost and high accuracy only from a single picture using face prior from a collected face database is proposed at first. Then from video captured face image, a much more accurate 3D face geometry can be reconstructed by utilizing a Structure-from-Motion method to calculate 3D coordinates of sparse feature points as well as a former 2D feature points and face priors of frontal face image. And now, new trial is performed to achieve a higher depth accuracy by utilizing a normal information calculated by Shape-from-shading or by utilizing only a diagonal face silhouette curve information.
3D Reconstruction of Face and Body
Excerpt of 3D Reconstruction of Face and Body
Facial Feature Points Detection
Excerpt of Facial Feature Points Detection
Drowsiness Detection of Driver
Excerpt of Drowsiness Detection of Driver
Image Interpolation and In-betweening
Excerpt of Image Interpolation and In-betweening
Image Deburring and Super Resolution
Excerpt of Image Deburring and Super Resolution
Facial Expression Recognition and Space Modeling
Excerpt of Facial Expression Recognition and Space Modeling
Face Authentication System
Face Authentication System