Multi-Instrument Music Transcription Based on Deep Spherical Clustering of Spectrograms and Pitchgrams
This paper describes a clustering-based music transcription method that estimates the piano rolls of arbitrary musical instrument parts from multi-instrument polyphonic music signals 코요태 비상. If target musical pieces are always played by particular kinds of musical instruments, a straightforward way to obtain piano rolls is to compute the pitchgram (pitch saliency spectrogram) of each musical instrument by using a deep neural network (DNN) Download low-flying. However, this approach has a critical limitation that it has no way to deal with musical pieces including undefined musical instruments. To overcome this limitation, we estimate a condensed pitchgram with an instrument-independent neural multi-pitch estimator and then separate the pitchgram into a specified […]
Asynchronous Eulerian Liquid Simulation
We present a novel method for simulating liquid with asynchronous time steps on Eulerian grids. Previous approaches focus on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Material Point Method (MPM) or tetrahedral Finite Element Method (FEM) but the method for simulating liquid purely on Eulerian grids have not yet been investigated 한국영화 리턴. We address several challenges specifically arising from the Eulerian asynchronous time integrator such as regional pressure solve, asynchronous advection, interpolation, regional volume preservation, and dedicated segregation of the simulation domain according to the liquid velocity Download internet radio. We demonstrate our method on top of staggered grids combined with the level set method and the semi‐Lagrangian scheme. We run several […]
Asynchronous Eulerian Liquid Simulation
We present a novel method for simulating liquid with asynchronous time steps on Eulerian grids. Previous approaches focus on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Material Point Method (MPM) or tetrahedral Finite Element Method (FEM) but the method for simulating liquid purely on Eulerian grids have not yet been investigated 팡파레 효과음. We address several challenges specifically arising from the Eulerian asynchronous time integrator such as regional pressure solve, asynchronous advection, interpolation, regional volume preservation, and dedicated segregation of the simulation domain according to the liquid velocity 김씨네 편의점 다운로드. We demonstrate our method on top of staggered grids combined with the level set method and the semi-Lagrangian scheme. We run several […]
Foreground-aware Dense Depth Estimation for 360 Images
With 360 imaging devices becoming widely accessible, omnidirectional content has gained popularity in multiple fields. The ability to estimate depth from a single omnidirectional image can benefit applications such as robotics navigation and virtual reality 베가스 11 다운로드. However, existing depth estimation approaches produce sub-optimal results on real-world omnidirectional images with dynamic foreground objects. On the one hand, capture-based methods cannot obtain the foreground due to the limitations of the scanning and stitching schemes 프렌즈 시즌1. On the other hand, it is challenging for synthesis-based methods to generate highly-realistic virtual foreground objects that are comparable to the real-world ones Download Legacy into the Future. In this paper, we propose to […]
Melody Slot Machine
Frozen 2 We developed an interactive music system called the “Melody Slot Machine,” which provides an experience of manipulating a music performance. The melodies used in the system are divided into multiple segments, and each segment has multiple variations of melodies 꽃 타오르다 다운로드. By turning the dials, users can switch the variations of melodies. Blackhawk Down
Smartphone-Based Assistance for Blind People to Stand in Lines
We present a system to allow blind people to stand in line in public spaces by using an off-the-shelf smartphone only. The technologies to navigate blind pedestrians in public spaces are rapidly improving, but tasks which require to understand surrounding people’s behavior are still difficult to assist 피아노 음악. Standing in line at shops, stations, and other crowded places is one of such tasks. Therefore, we developed a system to detect and notify the distance to a person in front continuously by using a smartphone with an RGB camera and an infrared depth sensor Download the marmoset. The system alerts three levels of distance via vibration patterns to allow users […]
BlindPilot: A Robotic Local Navigation System that Leads Blind People to a Landmark Object
Blind people face various local navigation challenges in their daily lives such as identifying empty seats in crowded stations, navigating toward a seat, and stopping and sitting at the correct spot Armi6.5. Although voice navigation is a commonly used solution, it requires users to carefully follow frequent navigational sounds over short distances. Therefore, we presented an assistive robot, BlindPilot, which guides blind users to landmark objects using an intuitive handle windows 95 다운로드. BlindPilot employs an RGB-D camera to detect the positions of target objects and uses LiDAR to build a 2D map of the surrounding area. On the basis of the sensing results, BlindPilot then generates a path to […]
Data compression for measured heterogeneous subsurface scattering via scattering profile blending
Subsurface scattering involves the complicated behavior of light beneath the surfaces of translucent objects that includes scattering and absorption inside the object’s volume Download low-flying. Physically accurate numerical representation of subsurface scattering requires a large number of parameters because of the complex nature of this phenomenon Ali Thornbird. The large amount of data restricts the use of the data on memory-limited devices such as video game consoles and mobile phones. To address this problem, this paper proposes an efficient data compression method for heterogeneous subsurface scattering Download the drama. The key insight of this study is that heterogeneous materials often comprise a limited number of base materials, and the size […]
Audio-guided Video Interpolation via Human Pose Features
This paper describes a method that generates in-between frames of two videos of a musical instrument being played. While image generation achieves a successful outcome in recent years, there is ample scope for improvement in video generation Download The World of Daqu. The keys to improving the quality of video generation are the high resolution and temporal coherence of videos. We solved these requirements by using not only visual information but also aural information all the brides of Habaek. The critical point of our method is using two-dimensional pose features to generate high resolution in-between frames from the input audio. We constructed a deep neural network with a recurrent structure […]
Single Sketch Image based 3D Car Shape Reconstruction with DeepLearning and Lazy Learning
Efficient car shape design is a challenging problem in both the automotive industry and the computer anima-tion/games industry. In this paper, we present a system to reconstruct the 3D car shape from a single 2D sketchimage Download LEGO Mindstorms. To learn the correlation between 2D sketches and 3D cars, we propose a Variational Autoencoder deepneural network that takes a 2D sketch and generates a set of multi-view depth and mask images, which forma more effective representation comparing to 3D meshes, and can be effectively fused to generate a 3D carshape 강하나 스트레칭 다운로드. Since global models like deep learning have limited capacity to reconstruct fine-detail features, wepropose a local lazy […]
Melody Slot Machine: Audio-guided Video Interpolation via Human Pose Features
We developed an interactive music system called the “Melody Slot Machine,” which provides an experience of manipulating and controlling a music performance Download goal. The melodies used in the system are divided into multiple segments, and each segment has multiple variations of melodies. Users can create a variety of music by operating the touch panel and slot lever 한글 전서체. By turning the dials displayed on the panel manually, a user can switch the variations of melodies freely. When a user pulls the slot lever, the melody of all segments rotates, and melody segments are randomly selected Big Bang Bang Bang mp3. There are multiple melodies, from intense ones with […]
Real-time Rendering of Layered Materials with Anisotropic Normal Distributions
This paper proposes a lightweight bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) model for layered materials with anisotropic reflection and refraction properties New Year card. In our method, each layer of the materials can be described by a microfacet BSDF using an anisotropic normal distribution function (NDF). Furthermore, the NDFs of layers can be defined on tangent vector fields, which differ from layer to layer Download the subtitles for Titanic. Our method is based on a previous study in which isotropic BSDFs are approximated by projecting them onto base planes. However, the adequateness of this previous work has not been well investigated for anisotropic BSDFs 윈도우 ftp 폴더. In this paper, we […]
Foreground-aware Dense Depth Estimation for 360 Images
With 360 imaging devices becoming widely accessible, omnidirectional content has gained popularity in multiple fields. The ability to estimate depth from a single omnidirectional image can benefit applications such as robotics navigation and virtual reality Download the North Font. However, existing depth estimation approaches produce sub-optimal results on real-world omnidirectional images with dynamic foreground objects. On the one hand, capture-based methods cannot obtain the foreground due to the limitations of the scanning and stitching schemes 1.13.2 포지 다운로드. On the other hand, it is challenging for synthesis-based methods to generate highly-realistic virtual foreground objects that are comparable to the real-world ones Gold i.e.. In this paper, we propose to augment […]
Adversarial Knowledge Distillation Algorithm for a Compact Generator
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Real-time Rendering of Layered Materials with Anisotropic Normal Distributions
This paper proposes a lightweight bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) model for layered materials with anisotropic reflection and refraction properties Download Hancom Office for Mac. In our method, each layer of the materials can be described by a microfacet BSDF using an anisotropic normal distribution function (NDF). Furthermore, the NDFs of layers can be defined on tangent vector fields, which differ from layer to layer 깃허브 데스크탑 다운로드. Our method is based on a previous study in which isotropic BSDFs are approximated by projecting them onto base planes. However, the adequateness of this previous work has not been well investigated for anisotropic BSDFs 콩나물 지도 다운로드. In this paper, we […]