Automatic Face Replacement for a Humanoid Robot with 3D Face Shape Display
2012 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots(Humanoids2012), Poster, 2-23, Osaka, 2012.11.29-12.1
Rapid and Authentic Rendering of Translucent Materials Using Depth-Maps from Multi-Viewpoint,
5th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia(SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012), Poster, Singapore, 2012.11.28-12.1.
Automatic music video creation system by reusing existing contents in video-sharing service based on HMM
IIEEJ 3rd Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop(IEVC2012), Oral, 3B-2, Kuching, Malaysia, 2012.11.21-24
Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single video camera
ICPR2012, JAPAN, IEEE, pp 1269-1272, 2012.11.11-15
Hair Motion Capturing From Multiple View Videos
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 55, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9.
Fast-Automatic 3D Face Generation Using a Single Video Camera
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 48, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9.
Facial Aging Simulator Considering Geometry and Patch-Tiled Texture
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 46, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9
Automatic Music-Video-Generating System by Remixing Existing Contents in Video-Hosting Service Based on Hidden Markov Model
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 22, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9
Automatic Mash-Up Music Video Generation System b Perceptual Synchronization of Music and Video Features
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 21, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9
Analysis and Synthesis of Realistic Eye Movement in Face to Face Communication
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 20, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9.
Acquiring Shell Texture From a Single Image for Realistic Fur Rendering
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 17, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9.
3D Human Head Geometry Esimation From a Speech
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Poster, 2, Los Angeles, 2012.8. 5 – 9
Estimating Cloth Simulation Parameters from 3D Cloth Motion Considering Both Dynamic and Static Feature
Poster, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012.7.29-31
Curvature-approximated Estimation of Real-time Ambient Occlusion
VISIGRAPP2012, Paper, No.57, Rome, Italy, 2012.2.24-26