Adversarial Knowledge Distillation Algorithm for a Compact Generator
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3D Car Shape Reconstruction from a Single Sketch Image
Efficient car shape design is a challenging problem in both the au-tomotive industry and the computer animation/games industry. Inthis paper, we present a system to reconstruct the 3D car shapefrom a single 2D sketch image 더위치. To learn the correlation between 2Dsketches and 3D cars, we propose a Variational Autoencoder deepneural network that takes a 2D sketch and generates a set of multi-view depth & mask images, which are more effective representationcomparing to 3D mesh, and can be combined to form the 3D carshape 한글 2014 vp. To ensure the volume and diversity of the training data,we propose a feature-preserving car mesh augmentation pipelinefor data augmentation. Since deep learning has […]
Melody Slot Machine
We developed an interactive music system called the “Melody Slot Machine, ” which provides an experience of manipulating a music performance Download DuKong StarCraft. The melodies used in the system are divided into multiple segments, and each segment has multiple variations of melodies. By turning the dials manually, users can switch the variations of melodies freely 굿바이평양 다운로드. When you pull the slot lever, the melody of all segments rotates, and melody segments are randomly selected. Since the performer displayed in a hologram moves in accordance with the selected variation of melody, users can enjoy the feeling of manipulating the performance Download Vegas.
SiCloPe: Silhouette-Based Clothed People
We introduce a new silhouette-based representation for modeling clothed human bodies using deep generative models. Our method can reconstruct a complete and textured 3D model of a person wearing clothes from a single input picture 오토캐드 2014 크랙. Inspired by the visual hull algorithm, our implicit representation uses 2D silhouettes and 3D joints of a body pose to describe the immense shape complexity and variations of clothed people Chrome Nicodon. Given a segmented 2D silhouette of a person and its inferred 3D joints from the input picture, we first synthesize consistent silhouettes from novel view points around the subject Download the incognito book. The synthesized silhouettes, which are the most […]