Shoki Miyagawa, Yuki Koyama, Jun Kato, Masataka Goto, Shigeo Morishima

Placing Music in Space: A Study on Music Appreciation with Spatial Mapping


Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Posters

We investigate the potential of music appreciation using spatial mapping techniques, which allow us to “place” audio sources in various locations within a physical space Puppet Circus. We consider possible ways of this new appreciation style and list some design variables, such as how to define coordinate systems, how to show visually, and who to place the sound sources Download MasterCam 2017. We conducted an exploratory user study to examine how these design variables affect users’ music listening experiences. Based on our findings from the study, we discuss how we should develop systems that incorporate these design variables for music appreciation in the future cyberduck 다운로드.