Shugo Yamaguchi, Shunsuke Saito, Koki Nagano, Yajie Zhao, Weikai Chen, Shigeo Morishima, Hao Li
High-Fidelity Facial Reflectance and Geometry Inference from an Unconstrained Image
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2018)
Vol. 37, Issue 4, No. 162
We present a deep learning-based technique to infer high-quality facial reflectance and geometry given a single unconstrained image of the subject, which may contain partial occlusions and arbitrary illumination conditions 명량해전 다운로드. The reconstructed high-resolution textures, which are generated in only a few seconds, include high-resolution skin surface reflectance maps, representing both the diffuse and specular albedo, and medium- and high-frequency displacement maps, thereby allowing us to render compelling digital avatars under novel lighting conditions Automatic download of Synology. To extract this data, we train our deep neural networks with a high-quality skin reflectance and geometry database created with a state-of-the-art multi-view photometric stereo system using polarized gradient illumination 기술자들 다운로드. Given the raw facial texture map extracted from the input image, our neural networks synthesize complete reflectance and displacement maps, as well as complete missing regions caused by occlusions Download from mac. The completed textures exhibit consistent quality throughout the face due to our network architecture, which propagates texture features from the visible region, resulting in high-fidelity details that are consistent with those seen in visible regions cmd.exe file. We describe how this highly underconstrained problem is made tractable by dividing the full inference into smaller tasks, which are addressed by dedicated neural networks Download KakaoTalk Anifang. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our network design with robust texture completion from images of faces that are largely occluded. With the inferred reflectance and geometry data, we demonstrate the rendering of high-fidelity 3D avatars from a variety of subjects captured under different lighting conditions micro office 2016 다운로드. In addition, we perform evaluations demonstrating that our method can infer plausible facial reflectance and geometric details comparable to those obtained from high-end capture devices, and outperform alternative approaches that require only a single unconstrained input image