Ryo Kakitsuka, Kosetsu Tsukuda (AIST), Satoru Fukayama (AIST), Naoya Iwamoto, Masataka Goto (AIST), Shigeo Morishima

Authoring System for Choreography Using Dance Motion Retrieval and Synthesis

The 30th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents(CASA 2017)


Dance animations of a three-dimensional (3D) character rendered with computer graphics (CG) have been created by using motion capture systems or 3DCG animation editing tools Radio Mini. Since these methods require skills and a large amount of work from the creator, automated choreography has been developed to make synthesizing dance motions much easier BlackSmith Onara. However, due to the limited variations of the results, users could not reflect their preferences to the output. Therefore, supporting the user’s preference in dance animation is still important uefi pe.

We propose a novel dance creation system which supports the user to create choreography with their preferences. A user first selects a preferred motion from the database, and then assigns it to an arbitrary section of the music Download the lift. With a few mouse clicks, our system helps a user search for alternative dance motion that reflect his or
her preference by using relevance feedback 뷰티인사이드 다운로드. The system automatically synthesizes a continuous choreography with the constraint condition that the motions specified by the user are fixed. We conducted user studies and found that users could create new dance motions easily with their preferences by using the system Wow add-on.
