High-Fidelity Facial Reflectance and Geometry Inference from an Unconstrained Image
We present a deep learning-based technique to infer high-quality facial reflectance and geometry given a single unconstrained image of the subject, which may contain partial occlusions and arbitrary illumination conditions 명량해전 다운로드. The reconstructed high-resolution textures, which are generated in only a few seconds, include high-resolution skin surface reflectance maps, representing both the diffuse and specular albedo, and medium- and high-frequency displacement maps, thereby allowing us to render compelling digital avatars under novel lighting conditions Automatic download of Synology. To extract this data, we train our deep neural networks with a high-quality skin reflectance and geometry database created with a state-of-the-art multi-view photometric stereo system using polarized gradient illumination 기술자들 […]
Thickness-aware voxelization
Voxelization is a crucial process for many computer graphics applications such as collision detection, rendering of translucent objects, and global illumination helvetica neue 다운로드. However, in some situations, although the mesh looks good, the voxelization result may be undesirable. In this paper, we describe a novel voxelization method that uses the graphics processing unit for surface voxelization 인싸뮤직. Our improvements on the voxelization algorithm can address a problem of state‐of‐the‐art voxelization, which cannot deal with thin parts of the mesh object 마인크래프트 세이브파일 다운로드. We improve the quality of voxelization on both normal mediation and surface correction. Furthermore, we investigate our voxelization methods on indirect illumination, showing the improvement on […]
Latent Topic Similarity for Music Retrieval and Its Application to a System that Supports DJ Performance
Journal of Information Processing