Tadahiro OZAWA, Tatsuya YATAGAWA, Hiroyuki KUBO, Shigeo MORISHIMA

Fast Subsurface Light Transport Evaluation for Real-Time Rendering Using Single Shortest Optical Paths

The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.46, No.4


To synthesize photo-realistic images, simulating the subsurface scattering is highly important. However, physically accurate simulation of the subsurface scattering requires computationally complex integration over various optical paths going through translucent materials 겟아웃 한글자막 다운로드. On the other hand, the powers of light rays are immediately decreased when they pass through limitedly translucent materials. We leverage this observation to compute the light contribution approximately by only considering a single ray that has the most dominant contribution download ospp.vbs. The proposed method is based on an empirical assumption where the light ray having passed such a dominant path has the largest in uence for the nal rendering result 핑크퐁 동요. By only considering the single dominant path to evaluate the radiance, visually plausible rendering results can be obtained in real-time, while the rendering process itself is not based on the strict physics, nevertheless Bear Audio Mac. This lightweight rendering process is particularly important for inhomogeneous translucent objects that include different translucent materials inside, which have been one of the targets that is difficult to render in real-time due to its high computational complexity azpr 다운로드.