Real-time Hair Simulation on Mobile Device
Motion in Games2013, Oral, Dublin, 2013.11.7-9
Video-Realistic Inner Mouth Reanimation
Pacific Graphics2013, Oral, 2013.10.7-9
Driver Drowsiness Estimation Using Facial Wrinkle Feature
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Affective Music Recommendation System using Input Images
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Photorealistic Inner Mouth Expression in Speech Animation
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Expressive Dance Motion Generation
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Real-Time Dust Rendering by Parametric Shell Texture
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Photorealistic Aged Face Image Synthesis by Wrinkles Manipulation
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Efficient Speech Animation Synthesis with Vocalic Lip Shapes
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Generating Eye Movement during Conversations Using Markov Process
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Reflectance Estimation of Human Face from a Single Shot Image
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013, Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.21-25
Automatic Comic-style Video Summarization of Anime Films by Key-frame Detection
Expressive 2013-CAe+SBIM+NPAR+Art, Posters&Demos, 3, Anaheim, 2013.7.20-21
Full-Automatic Generation of Photorealistic Inner-Mouth Animation
The Symposium on Computer Animation 2013(SCA2013), Poster, Anaheim, 2013.7.19-21.