An Open Source Development Tool for Anthropomorphic Dialog Agent -Face Image Synthesis and Lip Synchronization-
Proceedings of IEEE Fifth Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing,03_01_05.pdf,2002.12
Open-source software for developing anthropomorphic spoken dialog agent
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Lifelike Animated Agents – Tools, Affective Functions, and Applications, held in conjunction with the Seventh Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-02),pp.64-69,2002.8
Multi-modal Translation and Evaluation of Lip-synchronization using Noise Added Voice
The First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems, Proceedings of Workshop 14: Embodied conversational agents ? let’s specify and evaluate them!, 2002.7
Magical face: Integrated Tool for Muscle Based Facial Animation
Conference Abstracts and Applications, Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series, 2002, A Publication of ACM SIGGRAPH,p212,2002.7
Natural Expression of Hair Motion Using Restoring Force to Keep Hair Style
Visual Computing,pp.83-86,2002.6
Audio-Visual Speech Translation with Automatic Lip Synchronization and Face Tracking Based on 3-D Head Model
Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,Volume 2 of 4,pp.2117-2120,2002.5
Face Analysis and Synthesis for Interactive Entertainment
Workshop note of International Workshop on Entertainment Computing (IWEC2002),pp.143-150,2002.5
Multi-modal Translation System using Face Tracking and Lip Synchronization
No.45, the CD-ROM Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science and e-Medicine on the Internet,2002.1
Multi-modal Translation System and Its Evaluation
Proceedings of Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interface(ICMI2002),pp.241-246,2002.1