Thickness-aware voxelization

Voxelization is a crucial process for many computer graphics applications such as collision detection, rendering of translucent objects, and global illumination helvetica neue 다운로드. However, in some situations, although the mesh looks good, the voxelization result may be undesirable. In this paper, we describe a novel voxelization method that uses the graphics processing unit for surface voxelization 인싸뮤직. Our improvements on the voxelization algorithm can address a problem of state‐of‐the‐art voxelization, which cannot deal with thin parts of the mesh object 마인크래프트 세이브파일 다운로드. We improve the quality of voxelization on both normal mediation and surface correction. Furthermore, we investigate our voxelization methods on indirect illumination, showing the improvement on […]

Dynamic Object Scanning: Object-Based Elastic Timeline for Quickly Browsing First-Person Videos

This work presents the Dynamic Object Scanning (DO- Scanning), a novel interface that helps users browse long and untrimmed first-person videos quickly Altulz YouTube. The proposed interface offers users a small set of object cues generated automatically tailored to the context of a given video. Users choose which cue to highlight, and the interface in turn adaptively fast-forwards the video while keeping scenes with highlighted cues played at original speed 클립 후커. Our experimental results have revealed that the DO-Scanning has an efficient and compact set of cues arranged dynamically and this set of cues is useful for browsing a diverse set of first-person videos 사조영웅전 2017 자막. [demo video]

Dynamic Object Scanning: Object-Based Elastic Timeline for Quickly Browsing First-Person Videos

This work presents the Dynamic Object Scanning (DO-Scanning), a novel interface that helps users browse long and untrimmed first-person videos quickly gamefront 다운로드. The proposed interface offers users a small set of object cues generated automatically tailored to the context of a given video. Users choose which cue to highlight, and the interface in turn fast-forwards the video adaptively while keeping scenes with highlighted cues played at original speed Download a video from a web page. Our experimental results have revealed that the DO-Scanning arranged an efficient and compact set of cues, and this set of cues is useful for browsing a diverse set of first-person videos deviantart 다운로드.

Dynamic Object Scanning: Object-Based Elastic Timeline for Quickly Browsing First-Person Videos

This work presents the Dynamic Object Scanning (DO- Scanning), a novel interface that helps users browse long and untrimmed first-person videos quickly 앵그리버드 고. The proposed interface offers users a small set of object cues generated automatically tailored to the context of a given video. Users choose which cue to highlight, and the interface in turn adaptively fast-forwards the video while keeping scenes with highlighted cues played at original speed wwe 모바일 다운로드. Our experimental results have revealed that the DO-Scanning has an efficient and compact set of cues arranged dynamically and this set of cues is useful for browsing a diverse set of first-person videos Download windows 8 1 […]

RSGAN: Face Swapping and Editing using Face and Hair Representation in Latent Spaces

In this paper, we present an integrated system for automatically generating and editing face images through face swapping, attribute-based editing, and random face parts synthesis 리눅스 서버에서 파일 다운로드. The proposed system is based on a deep neural network that variationally learns the face and hair regions with large-scale face image datasets. Different from conventional variational methods, the proposed network represents the latent spaces individually for faces and hairs Download Get Gear. We refer to the proposed network as region-separative generative adversarial network (RSGAN). The proposed network independently handles face and hair appearances in the latent spaces, and then, face swapping is achieved by replacing the latent-space representations of the […]

The Report of the 17th Visual Information Processing Camp

This aper reports the 17th Visual Information Processing Camp (VIP Camp) held in Saitama Prefectural Citizen’s Activities General Center during 15th to 17th, September 2017, targeting students who study visual information processing mi fit 다운로드. The VIP Camp is organized by volunteer students participated from many regions of Japan, from planning to operation, every year. VIP camp is aimed at providig participating students with opportunities for presentation experience and face-to-face communication 코어고딕 m. We organized research presentation sessions and arranged various discussion projects. We set the catchword of VIP Camp as “Let’s Jump!” and planned the technical session by faculty newly Windows 7 Freecell. In this paper, we report how […]

Voice Animator: Automatic Lip-Synching in Limited Animation by Audio

Limited animation is one of the traditional techniques for producing cartoon animations. Owing to its expressive style, it has been enjoyed around the world Download the Life Bar. However, producing high quality animations using this limited style is time-consuming and costly for animators. Furthermore, proper synchronization between the voice-actor’s voice and the character’s mouth and lip motion requires well-experienced animators Free to. This is essential because viewers are very sensitive to audio-lip discrepancies. In this paper, we propose a method that automatically creates high-quality limited-style lip-synched animations using audio tracks 다운로드. Our system can be applied for creating not only the original animations but also dubbed ones independently of […]

DanceDJ: A 3D Dance Animation Authoring System for Live Performance

Dance is an important component of live performance for expressing emotion and presenting visual context. Human dance performances typically require expert knowledge of dance choreography and professional rehearsal, which are too costly for casual entertainment venues and clubs all the music in the world. Recent advancements in character animation and motion synthesis have made it possible to synthesize virtual 3D dance characters in real-time. The major problem in existing systems is a lack of an intuitive interfaces to control the animation for real-time dance controls jeus 7 다운로드. We propose a new system called the DanceDJ to solve this problem. Our system consists of two parts. The first part is […]


More you download the Korean subtitles 近年、髪型はファッションの一部として人の印象を決める重要な要素である。これまで、自分の所望する髪型を見つけることを目的として、髪型をコンピュータ上で編集するシステムがいくつか提案されてきた。しかしながら、これらの手法は、他人の髪型の試着や、髪の長さや色の変更など、所望の髪型を見つけ出すための要素一つ一つを対象としたものであり、これらの要素を統合的に扱うようなシステムは実現されていない。 本研究は、深層学習による生成モデルであるVAEとGANを組み合わせて、顔写真上での髪型編集法を提案する。通常の生成モデルでは、顔写真全体を単一の潜在変数ベクトルから生成するが、提案法では顔領域と髪領域の両者に対応する二つの潜在変数ベクトルから顔画像を生成する。学習時は、顔写真を顔と髪の領域に分割したデータセットを用意し、二つのVAEが顔写真から顔領域、髪領域を抽出する。GANは二つのVAEの中間層に現れる潜在変数ベクトルから元の顔写真を復元する。このように顔、髪の領域に対応した潜在変数ベクトルを取り出したことで、他人の髪型の試着、色や長さといった外観の編集、類似顔、類似髪型検索などの多様な応用を一度に実現した。 Genuine download of Windows 갤럭시 카카오톡 다운로드 무한의 계단 버그판 adobe illustrator cc 2017

Outside-in Monocular IR Camera based HMD Pose Estimation via Geometric Optimization

Accurately tracking a Head Mounted Display (HMD) with a 6 degree of freedom is essential to achieve a confortable and a nausea free experience in Virtual Reality 포켓몬스터 울트라썬문 롬파일. Existing commercial HMD systems using synchronized Infrared (IR) camera and blinking IR-LEDs can achieve highly accurate tracking. However, most of the off-the-shelf cameras do not support frame synchronization Cultureland. In this paper, we propose a novel method for real time HMD pose estimation without using any camera synchronization or LED blinking. We extended over the state of the art pose estimation algorithm by introducing geometrically constrained optimization Download the mobile gamepad. In addition, we propose a novel system to increase […]

Simulating the friction sounds using a friction-based adhesion theory model

Synthesizing a friction sound of deformable objects by a computer is challenging cx_oracle 다운로드. We propose a novel physics-based approach to synthesize friction sounds based on dynamics simulation. In this work, we calculate the elastic deformation of an object surface when the object comes in contact with other objects 강변북로체 다운로드. The principle of our method is to divide an object surface into microrectangles. The deformation of each microrectangle is set using two assumptions: the size of a microrectangle (1) changes by contacting other object and (2) obeys a normal distribution 천년바위. We consider the sound pressure distribution and its space spread, consisting of vibrations of all microrectangles, to synthesize […]

Court-based Video Summairzation and Retrieval Focusing on Rally Scene in Volleyball Video

Watching sports videos is a time-consuming task because of the long duration of a sports game Download the subtitles for Frozen 2. As a result, it is difficult for viewers who do not have enough time to enjoy watching a lot of games. In addition, viewers have to watch whole videos since the number of delivered highlight videos is small. To address this problem, many video summarization methods have been proposed. In general, the length of time available for viewing and the content that viewers want to watch depend on viewers. Therefore a sports video summarization method that satisfies temporal flexibility and content flexibility is required; however it has not […]

Court-based Volleyball Video Summarization Focusing on Rally Scene

In this paper, we propose a rally-rank evaluation based on the court transition information for automatic volleyball video summarization considering the contents of the game 국어 모의고사 다운로드. Our system generates a summary video that consists of only more important rally scenes evaluated by rally-rank. To reflects viewers’ preference more, features indicating the contents of the game should be necessary; however such features have not been considered in most of previous methods Download Eclipse java ee. Although several visual features such as the position of a ball and players should be used, acquisition of such features in still not robust and unreliable in low-resolution or low frame rate volleyball videos […]