Ayano Kaneda
Fiber-dependent Approach for Fast Dynamic Character Animation
The 30th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents(CASA 2017)
Creating secondary motion of character animation including jiggling of fat is demanded in the computer animation. In general, secondary motion from the primary motion of the character are expressed based on shape matching approaches Download Gompromix. However, the previous methods do not account for the directional stretch characteristics and local stiffness at the same time, that is problematic to represent the effect of anatomical structure such as muscle fiber 존윅 자막. Our framework allows user to edit the anatomical structure of the character model corresponding to creature’s body containing muscle and fat from the tetrahedral model and bone motion Download keyboard king. Our method then simulates the elastic deformation considering anatomical structures defined directional stretch characteristics and stiffness on each layer 플래시 겟 일괄. In addition, our method can add the constraint for local deformation (e.g. biceps) considering defined model’s characteristics.