Masahide Kawai, Tomoyori Iwao, Daisuke Mima, Akinobu Maejima and Shigeo Morishima
Data-Driven Speech Animation Synthesis Focusing on Realistic Inside of the Mouth
IPSJ, Journal of Information Processing (JIP)
Vol.22 No.2, pp.401-409
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Masahide Kawai, Tomoyori Iwao, Daisuke Mima, Akinobu Maejima and Shigeo Morishima,“Data-Driven Speech Animation Synthesis Focusing on Realistic Inside of the Mouth,” IPSJ, Journal of Information Processing (JIP), Vol.22 No.2, pp.401-409, 15.April.2014,ISSN-03875806 beauty.
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