Naoki Nozawa, Tsukasa Fukusato, Shigeo Morishima
3D Model Partial-Resizing via Normal and Texture Map Combination
DOI: 10.1145/3102163.3102203
Celeste. In general, when users deform a target model, they built on a bounding box or a closed polygon mesh (cage) to enclose a target model. Then, the resizing is done by deforming the cage with target model 오버워치 마우스 커서. However, these approaches are not good for detailed adjustment of 3D shape because they do not preserve local information. In contrast, based on a local information (e.g., edge set and weight map), Sorkine et al Download Sidia YouTube. {[Sorkine2004] , [Sorkine2007]} can generate smooth and conformal deformation results with only a few control points. While these approaches are useful for some situations, the results depend on resolution and topology of the target model download ni multisim. In addition, these approaches do not consider texture (UV) information. To address these problems, we introduce a novel resizing method by combining geometry and texture information aws. Our system follows three steps: (i) generating geometry images, which store vertex position, normal and surface colors in similar 2D arrays using same implicit surface parameterization, from the target model; (ii) applying an image resizing (seam curving) into the images; and (iii) reconstructing the target model on the image space ARMA 3. In our system, we can resize the target model based on the image resolution. In addition, in order to prioritize the geometry of texture preservation for a specific region, our system allows the users to adjust the weights on 2D space."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":[null,0],"12":0}">Resizing of 3D model is necessary for computer graphics animation and application such as games and movies ps3 iso kor. In general, when users deform a target model, they built on a bounding box or a closed polygon mesh (cage) to enclose a target model. Then, the resizing is done by deforming the cage with target model 아이폰 소프트웨어. However, these approaches are not good for detailed adjustment of 3D shape because they do not preserve local information. In contrast, based on a local information (e.g., edge set and weight map), Sorkine et al Download Google Chrome 64bit. {[Sorkine2004] , [Sorkine2007]} can generate smooth and conformal deformation results with only a few control points. While these approaches are useful for some situations, the results depend on resolution and topology of the target model Download the New Year's Pig Theater edition. In addition, these approaches do not consider texture (UV) information. To address these problems, we introduce a novel resizing method by combining geometry and texture information. Our system follows three steps: (i) generating geometry images, which store vertex position, normal and surface colors in similar 2D arrays using same implicit surface parameterization, from the target model; (ii) applying an image resizing (seam curving) into the images; and (iii) reconstructing the target model on the image space. In our system, we can resize the target model based on the image resolution. In addition, in order to prioritize the geometry of texture preservation for a specific region, our system allows the users to adjust the weights on 2D space.