Scheduled Speakiers on November 10th, 2014.
Prof. Alan Chalmers (University of Warwick, UK)
Dr. Darren Cosker (Bath University, UK)
Dr 다운로드. Peter Hall (Bath University, UK)
Dr. Tetsunari Inamura (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Prof. Simon King (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Prof 레벨업하는 무신님 다운로드. Yoshifumi Kitamura (Tohoku University)
Dr. Taku Komura (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Prof. Kenji Mase (Nagoya University)
Prof. Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research, UK)
Prof html5shiv.min.js 다운로드. Shigeo Morishima (Waseda University)
Prof. Yoichi Sato (University of Tokyo)
Dr. Hiroshi Shimodaira (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Dr 유튜브 간단하게. Hubert Shum (Northumbria University, UK)
Prof. Anthony Steed (University College London, UK)
Dr. Kartic Subr (Heriot Watt University, UK)
Prof Bloody Monday. Sriram Subramanian (Bristol University, UK)
Dr. Kenshi Takayama (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Dr. Nobuyuki Umetani (Disney Research Zurich)
The detail is as follows. bio.